Biosignatures from earth-like planets around M dwarfs (Astrobiology, 2005)

Coupled one-dimensional photochemical-climate calculations have been performed for hypothetical Earth-like planets around M dwarfs. Visible/near-infrared and thermal-infrared synthetic spectra of these planets were generated to determine which biosignature gases might be observed by a future, space-based telescope. Our star sample included two observed active M dwarfs—AD Leo and GJ 643—and three quiescent model stars. The spectral distribution of these stars in the ultraviolet generates a different photochemistry on these planets. As a result, the biogenic gases CH4, N2O, and CH3Cl have substantially longer lifetimes and higher mixing ratios than on Earth, making them potentially observable by space-based telescopes. On the active M-star planets, an ozone layer similar to Earth’s was developed that resulted in a spectroscopic signature comparable to the terrestrial one. The simultaneous detection of O2 (or O3) and a reduced gas in a planet’s atmosphere has been suggested as strong evidence for life. Planets circling M stars may be good locations to search for such evidence. Key Words: Habitable planets—M dwarfs—Biosignatures—Biomarkers—Terrestrial Planet Finder. Astrobiology 5, 706–725.

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A coupled atmosphere-ecosystem model of the early Archean Earth (Geobiology, 2005)

A coupled photochemical‐ecosystem model has been developed to simulate the early Archean biosphere. The model incorporates kinetic and nutrient limitations on biological productivity, along with constraints imposed by metabolic thermodynamics. We have used this model to predict the biogenic CH4 flux and net primary productivity (NPP) of the marine biosphere prior to the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis. Organisms considered include chemotrophic and organotrophic methanogens, H2‐, H2S‐, and Fe‐using anoxygenic phototrophs, S‐reducing bacteria, CO‐using acetogens, and fermentative bacteria.

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