Welcome to the VPL Spectral Explorer! Here at the VPL we specialize in spectral models of terrestrial exoplanets. The VPL Spectral Explorer allows you to visualize, compare, and download our exoplanet spectral models for your own scientific and educational purposes. To get started, select between direct imaging and transmission spectroscopy using the option box at the top left. Then use the interactive table at the bottom to select the specific type of planetary spectrum to graph. See the Tutorial page more details, user tips, and data download instructions. 

A version of the VPL Spectral Explorer is also available that includes mystery planets along with a lesson plan for interested students and researchers to learn about how different atmospheric properties affect the observable spectrum of (exo)planets. Check out the VPL Spectral Academy.

If you encounter any issues operating the data visualization, try refreshing the page to restart the Spectral Explorer. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or improvement ideas please email Jake Lustig-Yaeger at jlustigy@uw.edu