Here we provide an assortment of stellar spectra of interest to planetary modelers, model-generated spectra of Solar System and extrasolar planets, and a collection of line lists and absorption cross-sections for molecules of relevance to planetary atmospheres and biosignatures:

VPL Spectral Explorer

Synthetic direct and transmission spectra of Solar System and extrasolar planets are provided for users to browse, graph, and download using an interface powered by Tableau.

VPL Spectral Explorer

A version of the VPL Spectral Explorer is also available that includes mystery planets along with a lesson plan for interested students and researchers to learn about how different atmospheric properties affect the observable spectrum of (exo)planets. Check out the VPL Spectral Academy.

3-D Earth Model Spectra

We include both spatially and temporally resolved synthetic spectra of Earth, validated with visible photometric and moderate resolution near-infrared observations from NASA’s EPOXI spacecraft. We have used our model to generate both 24-hour disk-averaged spectra for the dates of the EPOXI observations; as well as spectra taken over the course of an entire orbit. The model takes into account realistic scattering, absorption, and emission from the atmosphere, clouds, and surface, and is described in Robinson et al. (2011). 

VPL Model Spectra for 3 EPOXI Observation Dates: Spectral Dataset

VPL Model Spectra for Earth Through An Orbit: Spectral Dataset

Stellar Spectra

Our stellar spectra include two M-stars: AD Leo (M4.5V) and GJ 644 (M3.5Ve) (Segura, et al, 2005), and five others from publications by the VPL team spanning from far-ultraviolet to far-infrared (the Sun; the F2V HD128167; the G0V low-activity star HD114710; the G0V high-activity star HD206860; and the K2V star HD22049.) 

M Star Spectra:  Two spectra from Segura, et al, 2005: AD Leo (M4.5V) and GJ 644 (M3.5Ve). Images and Data

Proxima Centauri Spectrum:  UV through MIR composite spectrum from Meadows et al. 2016 Images and Data.

TRAPPIST-1 Spectrum:  UV through MIR composite spectrum from Lincowski et al. 2018 Images and Data.

Other Stellar Spectra:  Five stellar spectra from publications by the VPL team spanning from far-ultraviolet to far-infrared (the Sun; the F2V HD128167; the G0V low-activity star HD114710; the G0V high-activity star HD206860; and the K2V star HD22049.) Images and Data.

Molecular Line Lists And Absorption Cross-Sections

Of critical importance to our spectrum simulators are spectroscopic line lists, which describe the wavelength and strength of gas absorption lines from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared, as well as how the line shapes depend on various input parameters (e.g. temperature and pressure). These data come from a variety of sources, including lab measurements and theoretical calculations. We maintain this database by collecting data from updated, existing line lists (e.g. HITRAN, GEISA), and compiling data from new, peer-reviewed studies.  We also provide a related tool to plot line list data for a user-selected molecule, database, and wavelength/wavenumber range.

VPL Molecular Spectroscopic Database

Molecular Spectral Search Engine

This tool allows the user to query the HITRAN data and view the spectra of molecules that have features within a given wave number/wavelength range. The user can then identify molecules that correspond to spectroscopic features in spectra obtained by spacecraft or telescopes.

VPL Molecular Spectral Search Engine

Biological Pigment Spectra

A database of the spectral properties of biological pigments, including absorbance, transmittance, or reflectance.  Spectra can be of whole cells, intact membranes, and pigments in solvent extracts.  Subjects may include photosynthetic pigments, protective pigments for a variety of functions, cells grown in different environmental treatments, and others.

VPL Biological Pigments Database

LCROSS UV-Visible Spectrometer (VSP) Recalibration

A wavelength-dependent recalibration factor derived for the Lunar CRater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) UV-visible spectrometer.

LCROSS VSP Recalibration

Alternative Surface Reflectance Biosignatures  

Click below to find synthetic spectra from Schwieterman, Cockell, and Meadows 2015, Astrobiology, 15(5) (SCM15)*

VPL Alternative Surface Reflectance Biosignatures