We provide a large suite of modeling tools for exoplanet detection, initial target characterization/prioritization, planetary environmental modeling, and telescope observation simulation. 



Type: Code
Author(s): Rodrigo Luger, Eric Agol, Ethan Kruse, Rory Barnes, Andrew Becker, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, Drake Deming
License: MIT
Publications: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016AJ….152..100L
Keywords: catalogs planets and satellites: detection techniques: photometric
Description: EVEREST (EPIC Variability Extraction and Removal for Exoplanet Science Targets) is a pipeline for de-trending K2 light curves with pixel level decorrelation and Gaussian processes. The github page contains the Python code used to generate the EVEREST catalog, as well as tools for accessing and interacting with the de-trended light curves.
Slides: everest.pdf 
Internal links: everest-1.0_1.zip 
External Links:
Code: https://github.com/rodluger/everest
Docs: http://staff.washington.edu/rodluger/everest_docs
Lightcurves: https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/everest
Static link: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.56577


Habitable Zone Calculator

Type: Code
Author: Ravi Kopparapu
License: GNU
Kopparapu et al. (2013), Habitable Zones around Main-sequence stars: New Estimates. Astrophysical Journal, 765, 131.
Kopparapu et al. (2014), Habitable Zones around Main-sequence stars: Dependence on Planetary Mass, Astrophysical Journal, 787, L29 
Keywords: Exoplanets, habitable zones, climate model, atmospheres
Description: A code that calculates surface liquid water habitable zones around different stellar spectral types for an Earth-mass planet with H2O/CO2/N2 atmospheres. 
Slides: HZ_calculator.pdf 
Internal links: https://live-vpl-test.pantheonsite.io/calculation-of-habitable-zones
Internal links: hz2013.c


Type: Code
Author: Rory Barnes
License: GNU
Publications: Barnes, R. et al. (2015), ApJ, 814, 91.
Keywords: Habitability, transits
Description: Calculate “habitability index for transiting exoplanets”.
Slides: HITETutorial.pdf 
Internal links: hite.tar.gz 
External links: https://github.com/RoryBarnes/HITE 


Orbital Dynamics


Type: Code
Author: Russell Deitrick
License: GNU
Publications: Deitrick et al., 2015, ApJ, 798, 46. (used this code), Murray & Dermott, Solar System Dynamics, 1999, Cambridge Univ Press. (source for equations), Lovis & Fischer, 2010, in Exoplanets (ed. S. Seager), Univ. of Arizona Press. (source for equations) 
Keywords: celestial mechanics, orbital dynamics 
Description: CelesTools is a Python library that does helpful calculations for your celestial mechanics/orbital dynamics problems, such as calculations of angular momentum, energy, radial velocity, mutual inclination, and coordinate transformations.
Slides: celestools.pdf 
Internal links: celestools.tar.gz


Type: Code
Author: Rory Barnes
License: GNU
Publications: Barnes, R. et al. (2013), AsBio, 13, 225-250. Heller, R. & Barnes, R. (2013), AsBio, 13, 18-46. Barnes, R. & Heller, R. (2013), AsBio, 13, 279-291. Ma, B. et al. (2013), AJ, 145, 20. Anglada-Escude, G. et al. (2013), A&A, 556, A126. Gomez Maqueo Chew, Y. et al. (2014), A&A, 572, 50. Barnes, R. (2015), IJAB, 14, 321-333. Luger, R. et al. (2015), AsBio, 15, 56-88. Luger, R. & Barnes, R. (2015), AsBio, 15, 119-143. 
Keywords: Tides, Orbits, Rotation
Description: Calculate orbital and rotational evolution of planets due to tides.
Slides: EqtideTutorial.pdf 
Internal links: eqtide0.9.tar.gz 
External link: https://github.com/RoryBarnes/EqTide


Type: Code
Author: Rory Barnes
License: GNU
Publications: McArthur, B. et al. (2010), ApJ, 715, 1203. Barnes, R. et al. (2011), ApJ, 726, 71. Barnes, R. et al. (2015), ApJ, 801, 101.
Keywords: Orbits
Description: Reference any planetary system to the invariable plane.
External link: https://github.com/RoryBarnes/InvPlane


Type: Code
Author: Rory Barnes
License: GNU
Publications: Barnes, R. & Greenberg, R. (2006), ApJ, 647, L163-L166. Shields, A. et al. (2016), AsBio, 16, 443-464.
Keywords: Orbits
Description: Calculate Hill stability of any 2 planet system.
External Link: https://github.com/RoryBarnes/HillStability



Type: Code
Author: This code has a long history of development, originally in Kevin Zahnle’s, David Catling’s, and Jim Kasting’s research groups. Mark Claire and Shawn Domagal-Goldman then merged the two versions of the code – one from the Zanhle/Catling groups and the other from the Kasting group – and developed them further. An incomplete list of people that have participated to the development of this code includes: Giada Arney, Mahmuda Afrin Badhan, Amber Britt, David Catling, Mark Claire, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Ryan Felton, Jim Kasting, Patrick Kasting, Pushker Kharecha, Ravi Kopparapu, Kara Krelove, Alex Pavlov, Ramses Ramirez, Eddie Schwieterman, Will Sluder, Meg Smith, Feng Tian, Kevin Zahnle
License: GNU General Public License, v3.0
Publications: Too many to list. The most recent one with this version of the model is:
Arney, Giada, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Victoria S. Meadows, Eric T. Wolf, Edward Schwieterman, Benjamin Charnay, Mark Claire, Eric Hébrard, and Melissa G. Trainer. “The pale orange dot: the spectrum and habitability of hazy Archean Earth.” Astrobiology 16, no. 11 (2016): 873-899.
A separate publication on this version of code is forthcoming.
Keywords: photochemistry, climate, rocky planets 
Description: This is a coupled photochemistry-climate code. It contains a photochemistry model (PHOTOCHEM) that calculates the abundances of species as a function of altitude for user-specified boundary conditions. It also contains a climate model (CLIMA) that uses the correlated-k method to calculate the temperature profile of the atmosphere. Finally, the model contains a bunch of makefiles (*.make), run scripts (*.sh) for compiling and running the codes, including their coupling. And it includes templates for modern Earth (with and without chlorine chemistry), Archean Earth (the time after the origins of life but before the rise of atmospheric oxygen) with and without a thick organic haze, an O2-dominated planet that results from massive H escape, and modern Mars. Additional templates for simulating hot Jupiters, super Earths and sub-Neptune worlds, and Titan are currently underdevelopment.
The model development was primarily supported by NASA Astrobiology Institute’s Virtual Planetary Laboratory lead team, supported by NASA under cooperative agreement NNH05ZDA001C.
Slides: atmos.pdf 
Internal links: http://vplapps.astro.washington.edu/vpltools/atmos/atmos-master.zip
External links: 

Evolution Of Solar Flux

Solar Flux Model

Type: Code/Model (IDL)
Author(s): Mark Claire, John Sheets, Martin Cohen, Ignasi Ribas, Victoria S. Meadows, and David C. Catling
Publications: http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-637X/757/1/95/meta
Keywords: solar flux, photochemistry, Earth
Description: Generate top of the atmosphere flux in the solar system (or for exoplanets around G2 stars) using a solar flux model which is applicable at any object and from the zero-age main sequence until 8 Gyr
Slides: Coming soon!
Internal Link: Solar Flux Model


High-Contrast Imaging Instrument Spectral Noise Model

Type: Code/Model (written in IDL)
Author(s): Tyler Robinson, Karl Stapelfeldt, Mark Marley
License: GNU 
Publications: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016PASP..128b5003R
Keywords: exoplanet, high-contrast, noise, detection, spectroscopy, photometry
Description: A numerical model to predict instrumental and background effects in high-contrast observations of spectra and photometry for exoplanets. 
Slides: robinson_noise.pdf 
Internal Link: coronagraph_noise-master.zip 
External Links: https://github.com/tdrobinson/coronagraph_noise