Dynamical Evidence For An Early Giant Planet Instability (Icarus, 2020)

The dynamical structure of the Solar System can be explained by a period of orbital instability experienced by the giant planets. While a late instability was originally proposed to explain the Late Heavy Bombardment, recent work favors an early instability. Here we model the early dynamical evolution of the outer Solar System to self-consistently constrain the most likely timing of the instability.

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Methane release on Early Mars by atmospheric collapse and atmospheric reinflation (Planetary and Space Science, 2020)

A candidate explanation for Early Mars rivers is atmospheric warming due to surface release of H2 or CH4 gas. However, it remains unknown how much gas could be released in a single event. We model the CH4 release by one mechanism for rapid release of CH4 from clathrate. By modeling how CH4-clathrate release is affected by changes in Mars’ obliquity and atmospheric composition, we find that a large fraction of total outgassing from CH4 clathrate occurs following Mars’ first prolonged atmospheric collapse. This atmosphere-collapse-initiated CH4-release mechanism has three stages. (1) Rapid collapse of Early Mars’ carbon dioxide atmosphere initiates a slower shift of water ice from high ground to the poles. (2) Upon subsequent CO2-atmosphere re-inflation and CO2-greenhouse warming, low-latitude clathrate decomposes and releases methane gas. (3) Methane can then perturb atmospheric chemistry and surface temperature, until photochemical processes destroy the methane.

Within our model, we find that under some circumstances a Titan-like haze layer would be expected to form, consistent with transient deposition of abundant complex abiotic organic matter on the Early Mars surface. We also find that this CH4-release mechanism can warm Early Mars, but special circumstances are required in order to uncork 1017 ?kg of CH4, the minimum needed for strong warming. Specifically, strong warming only occurs when the fraction of the hydrate stability zone that is initially occupied by clathrate exceeds 10%, and when Mars’ first prolonged atmospheric collapse occurs for atmospheric pressure >1 ?bar.

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A Record Of The Final Phase Of Giant Planet Migration Fossilized In The Asteroid Belt’S Orbital Structure (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, 2019)

The asteroid belt is characterized by an extreme low total mass of material on dynamically excited orbits. The Nice model explains many peculiar qualities of the Solar system, including the belt’s excited state, by invoking an orbital instability between the outer planets. However, previous studies of the Nice model’s effect on the belt’s structure struggle to reproduce the innermost asteroids’ orbital inclination distribution.

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Diurnal variation in Mars equatorial odd oxygen species: Chemical production and loss mechanisms (Icarus, 2020)

Odd oxygen (O, O(1D), O3) abundance and its variability in the Martian atmosphere results from complex physical and chemical interactions among atmospheric species, which are driven mainly by solar radiation and atmospheric conditions. Although our knowledge of Mars’ ozone distribution and variability has been significantly improved with the arrival of several recent orbiters, the data acquired by such missions is not enough to properly characterize its diurnal variation. Thus, photochemical models are useful tools to assist in such a characterization. Here, both the Martian ozone vertical distribution and its diurnal variation for equatorial latitudes are studied, using the JPL/Caltech one-dimensional photochemical model and diurnally-variable atmospheric profiles. The chosen equatorial latitude-region is based on the recent and future plans of NASA and other agencies to study this region by different surface missions. A production and loss analysis is performed in order to characterize the chemical mechanisms that drive odd oxygen’s diurnal budget and variability on Mars making use of the comprehensive chemistry implemented in the model. The diurnal variation shows large differences in the abundance between daytime and nighttime; and variable behavior depending on the atmospheric layer. The photolysis-driven ozone diurnal profile is obtained at the surface, whilst a sharp decrease is obtained in the upper troposphere at daytime, which originates from the large differences in atomic oxygen abundances between atmospheric layers. Finally, no clear anticorrelation between ozone and water vapor is found in the diurnal cycle, contrary to the strong correlation observed by orbiters on a seasonal timescale.

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Venus As A Laboratory For Exoplanetary Science (Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 2019)

The current goals of the astrobiology community are focused on developing a framework for the detection of biosignatures, or evidence thereof, on objects inside and outside of our solar system. A fundamental aspect of understanding the limits of habitable environments (surface liquid water) and detectable signatures thereof is the study of where the boundaries of such environments can occur. Such studies provide the basis for understanding how a once inhabitable planet might come to be uninhabitable

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The Natural History of ‘oumuamua (Nature Astronomy, 2019)

The discovery of the first interstellar object passing through the Solar System, 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua), provoked intense and continuing interest from the scientific community and the general public. The faintness of ‘Oumuamua, together with the limited time window within which observations were possible, constrained the information available on its dynamics and physical state. Here we review our knowledge and find that in all cases, the observations are consistent with a purely natural origin for ‘Oumuamua. We discuss how the observed characteristics of ‘Oumuamua are explained by our extensive knowledge of natural minor bodies in our Solar System and our current knowledge of the evolution of planetary systems. We highlight several areas requiring further investigation.

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Rocky Super-Earths or Waterworlds: the Interplay of Planet Migration, Pebble Accretion, and Disc Evolution (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019)

Recent observations have found a valley in the size distribution of close-in super-Earths that is interpreted as a signpost that close-in super-Earths are mostly rocky in composition. However, new models predict that planetesimals should first form at the water ice line such that close-in planets are expected to have a significant water ice component. Here we investigate the water contents of super-Earths by studying the interplay between pebble accretion, planet migration and disc evolution. Planets’ compositions are determined by their position relative to different condensation fronts (ice lines) throughout their growth. Migration plays a key role. Assuming that planetesimals start at or exterior to the water ice line (r > rH2O), inward migration causes planets to leave the source region of icy pebbles and therefore to have lower final water contents than in discs with either outward migration or no migration. The water ice line itself moves inward as the disc evolves, and delivers water as it sweeps across planets that formed dry. The relative speed and direction of planet migration and inward drift of the water ice line is thus central in determining planets’ water contents. If planet formation starts at the water ice line, this implies that hot close-in super-Earths (r < 0.3 AU) with water contents of a few percent are a signpost of inward planet migration during the early gas phase. Hot super-Earths with larger water ice contents on the other hand, experienced outward migration at the water ice line and only migrated inwards after their formation was complete either because they become too massive to be contained in the region of outward migration or in chains of resonant planets. Measuring the water ice content of hot super-Earths may thus constrain their migration history.

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Earthshine As An Illumination Source At The Moon (Icarus, 2019)

Earthshine is the dominant source of natural illumination on the surface of the Moon during lunar night, and at some locations within permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) near the poles that never receive direct sunlight. As such, earthshine has the potential to enable the scientific investigation and exploration of conditions in areas of the Moon that are either temporarily or permanently hidden from the Sun. Earthshine has also been used to refer to Earthlight reflected from the lunar surface, but in this study we use it to refer specifically to Earthlight incident at the Moon. Under certain circumstances, the heat flux from earthshine could also influence the transport and cold-trapping of volatiles present in the very coldest areas within PSRs. In this study, Earth’s spectral irradiance, as it would appear at the Moon in the solar reflectance band (0.3–3.0 µm) and at thermal emission wavelengths (3–50 µm), is examined with a suite of model image cubes and whole-disk spectra created using the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (VPL) three-dimensional (latitude, longitude and altitude) modeling capability

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Formation of Planetary Systems by Pebble Accretion and Migration: Growth of Gas Giants (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019)

Giant planets migrate though the protoplanetary disc as they grow their solid core and attract their gaseous envelope. Previously, we have studied the growth and migration of an isolated planet in an evolving disc. Here, we generalise such models to include the mutual gravitational interaction between a high number of growing planetary bodies. We have investigated how the formation of planetary systems depends on the radial flux of pebbles through the protoplanetary disc and on the planet migration rate. Our N-body simulations confirm previous findings that Jupiter-like planets in orbits outside the water ice line originate from embryos starting out at 20–40 AU when using nominal type-I and type-II migration rates and a pebble flux of approximately 100–200 Earth masses per million years, enough to grow Jupiter within the lifetime of the solar nebula. The planetary embryos placed up to 30 AU migrate into the inner system (rP < 1AU). There they form super-Earths or hot and warm gas giants, producing systems that are inconsistent with the configuration of the solar system, but consistent with some exoplanetary systems. We also explored slower migration rates which allow the formation of gas giants from embryos originating from the 5–10 AU region, which are stranded exterior to 1 AU at the end of the gas-disc phase. These giant planets can also form in discs with lower pebbles fluxes (50–100 Earth masses per Myr). We identify a pebble flux threshold below which migration dominates and moves the planetary core to the inner disc, where the pebble isolation mass is too low for the planet to accrete gas efficiently. In our model, giant planet growth requires a sufficiently high pebble flux to enable growth to out-compete migration. An even higher pebble flux produces systems with multiple gas giants. We show that planetary embryos starting interior to 5 AU do not grow into gas giants, even if migration is slow and the pebble flux is large. These embryos instead grow to just a few Earth masses, the mass regime of super-Earths. This stunted growth is caused by the low pebble isolation mass in the inner disc and is therefore independent of the pebble flux. Additionally, we show that the long-term evolution of our formed planetary systems can naturally produce systems with inner super-Earths and outer gas giants as well as systems of giant planets on very eccentric orbits.

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Formation of Planetary Systems by Pebble Accretion and Migration: Hot Super-Earth Systems From Breaking Compact Resonant Chains (arXiv e-prints, 2019)

At least 30% of main sequence stars host planets with sizes between 1 and 4 Earth radii and orbital periods of less than 100 days. We use N-body simulations including a model for gas-assisted pebble accretion and disk-planet tidal interaction to study the formation of super-Earth systems. We show that the integrated pebble mass reservoir creates a bifurcation between hot super-Earths or hot-Neptunes (?15M?) and super-massive planetary cores potentially able to become gas giant planets (?15M?). Simulations with moderate pebble fluxes grow multiple super-Earth-mass planets that migrate inwards and pile up at the disk’s inner edge forming long resonant chains. We follow the long-term dynamical evolution of these systems and use the period ratio distribution of observed planet-pairs to constrain our model. Up to ?95% of resonant chains become dynamically unstable after the gas disk dispersal, leading to a phase of late collisions that breaks the resonant configuration. Our simulations match observations if we combine a dominant fraction (?95%) of unstable systems with a sprinkling (?5%) of stable resonant chains (the Trappist-1 system represents one such example). Our results demonstrate that super-Earth systems are inherently multiple (N?2) and that the observed excess of single-planet transits is a consequence of the mutual inclinations excited by the planet-planet instability. In simulations in which planetary seeds are initially distributed in the inner and outer disk, close-in super-Earths are systematically ice-rich. This contrasts with the interpretation that most super-Earths are rocky based on bulk density measurements of super-Earths and photo-evaporation modeling of their bimodal radius distribution. We investigate the conditions needed to form rocky super-Earths. The formation of rocky super-Earths (abridged)

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Excitation and Depletion of the Asteroid Belt in the Early Instability Scenario (The Astronomical Journal, 2019)

Containing only a few percentages of the mass of the moon, the current asteroid belt is around three to four orders of magnitude smaller than its primordial mass inferred from disk models. Yet dynamical studies have shown that the asteroid belt could not have been depleted by more than about an order of magnitude over the past ~4 Gyr. The remainder of the mass loss must have taken place during an earlier phase of the solar system’s evolution. An orbital instability in the outer solar system occurring during the process of terrestrial planet formation can reproduce the broad characteristics of the inner solar system. Here, we test the viability of this model within the constraints of the main belt’s low present-day mass and orbital structure. Although previous studies modeled asteroids as massless test particles because of limited computing power, our work uses graphics processing unit acceleration to model a fully self-gravitating asteroid belt. We find that depletion in the main belt is related to the giant planets’ exact evolution within the orbital instability. Simulations that produce the closest matches to the giant planets’ current orbits deplete the main belt by two to three orders of magnitude. These simulated asteroid belts are also good matches to the actual asteroid belt in terms of their radial mixing and broad orbital structure.

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The Early Instability Scenario: Terrestrial Planet Formation During the Giant Planet Instability, and the Effect of Collisional Fragmentation (Icarus, 2019)

The solar system’s dynamical state can be explained by an orbital instability among the giant planets. A recent model has proposed that the giant planet instability happened during terrestrial planet formation. This scenario has been shown to match the inner solar system by stunting Mars’ growth and preventing planet formation in the asteroid belt. Here we present a large sample of new simulations of the “Early Instability” scenario. We use an N-body integration scheme that accounts for collisional fragmentation, and also perform a large set of control simulations that do not include an early giant planet instability. Since the total particle number decreases slower when collisional fragmentation is accounted for, the growing planets’ orbits are damped more strongly via dynamical friction and encounters with small bodies that dissipate angular momentum (eg: hit-and-run impacts). Compared with simulations without collisional fragmentation, our fully evolved systems provide better matches to the solar system’s terrestrial planets in terms of their compact mass distribution and dynamically cold orbits. Collisional processes also tend to lengthen the dynamical accretion timescales of Earth analogs, and shorten those of Mars analogs. This yields systems with relative growth timescales more consistent with those inferred from isotopic dating. Accounting for fragmentation is thus supremely important for any successful evolutionary model of the inner solar system.

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Can Moons Have Moons? (MNRAS Letters, 2019)

Each of the giant planets within the Solar system has large moons but none of these moons have their own moons (which we call submoons). By analogy with studies of moons around short-period exoplanets, we investigate the tidal-dynamical stability of submoons. We find that 10?km-scale submoons can only survive around large (1000?km-scale) moons on wide-separation orbits. Tidal dissipation destabilizes the orbits of submoons around moons that are small or too close to their host planet; this is the case for most of the Solar system’s moons. A handful of known moons are, however, capable of hosting long-lived submoons: Saturn’s moons Titan and Iapetus, Jupiter’s moon Callisto, and Earth’s Moon. Based on its inferred mass and orbital separation, the newly discovered exomoon candidate Kepler-1625b-I can in principle host a large submoon, although its stability depends on a number of unknown parameters. We discuss the possible habitability of submoons and the potential for subsubmoons. The existence, or lack thereof, of submoons may yield important constraints on satellite formation and evolution in planetary systems.

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Identifying Inflated Super-Earths and Photo-Evaporated Cores (The Astrophysical Journal, 2018)

We present empirical evidence, supported by a planet formation model, to show that the curve $R/{R}_{oplus }=1.05{(F/{F}_{oplus })}^{0.11}$ approximates the location of the so-called photo-evaporation valley. Planets below that curve are likely to have experienced complete photo-evaporation, and planets just above it appear to have inflated radii; thus we identify a new population of inflated super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. Our N-body simulations are set within an evolving protoplanetary disk and include prescriptions for orbital migration, gas accretion, and atmospheric loss due to giant impacts. Our simulated systems broadly match the sizes and periods of super-Earths in the Kepler catalog. They also reproduce the relative sizes of adjacent planets in the same system, with the exception of planet pairs that straddle the photo-evaporation valley. This latter group is populated by planet pairs with either very large or very small size ratios (R out/R in Gt 1 or R out/R in Lt 1) and a dearth of size ratios near unity. It appears that this feature could be reproduced if the planet outside the photo-evaporation valley (typically the outer planet, but sometimes not) has its atmosphere significantly expanded by stellar irradiation. This new population of planets may be ideal targets for future transit spectroscopy observations with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope.

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Migration-driven Diversity of Super-Earth Compositions (MNRAS Letters, 2018)

A leading model for the origin of super-Earths proposes that planetary embryos migrate inward and pile up on close-in orbits. As large embryos are thought to preferentially form beyond the snowline, this naively predicts that most super-Earths should be very water-rich. Here we show that the shortest period planets formed in the migration model are often purely rocky. The inward migration of icy embryos through the terrestrial zone accelerates the growth of rocky planets via resonant shepherding. We illustrate this process with a simulation that provided a match to the Kepler-36 system of two planets on close orbits with very different densities. In the simulation, two super-Earths formed in a Kepler-36-like configuration; the inner planet was pure rock while the outer one was ice-rich. We conclude from a suite of simulations that the feeding zones of close-in super-Earths are likely to be broad and disconnected from their final orbital radii.

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Excitation of a Primordial Cold Asteroid Belt as an Outcome of Planetary Instability (The Astrophysical Journal, 2018)

The main asteroid belt (MB) is low in mass but dynamically excited. Here we propose a new mechanism to excite the MB during the giant planet (the “Nice model”) instability, which is expected to feature repeated close encounters between Jupiter and one or more ice giants (“jumping Jupiter” or JJ). We show that, when Jupiter temporarily reaches a high-enough level of excitation, both in eccentricity and inclination, it induces strong forced vectors of eccentricity and inclination across the MB region. Because during the JJ instability Jupiter’s orbit “jumps” around, the forced vectors keep changing both in magnitude and phase throughout the whole MB region. The entire cold primordial MB is thus excited as a natural outcome of the JJ instability. The level of such an excitation, however, is typically larger than the current orbital excitation observed in the MB. We show that the subsequent evolution of the solar system is capable of reshaping the resultant overexcited MB to its present-day orbital state, and that a strong mass depletion (~90%) is associated with the JJ instability phase and its subsequent evolution throughout the age of the solar system.

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Formation of Terrestrial Planets in Eccentric and Inclined Giant Planet Systems (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018)

Aims. Evidence of mutually inclined planetary orbits has been reported for giant planets in recent years. Here we aim to study the impact of eccentric and inclined massive giant planets on the terrestrial planet formation process, and investigate whether it can possibly lead to the formation of inclined terrestrial planets.

Methods. We performed 126 simulations of the late-stage planetary accretion in eccentric and inclined giant planet systems. The physical and orbital parameters of the giant planet systems result from n-body simulations of three giant planets in the late stage of the gas disc, under the combined action of Type II migration and planet-planet scattering. Fourteen two- and three-planet configurations were selected, with diversified masses, semi-major axes (resonant configurations or not), eccentricities, and inclinations (including coplanar systems) at the dispersal of the gas disc. We then followed the gravitational interactions of these systems with an inner disc of planetesimals and embryos (nine runs per system), studying in detail the final configurations of the formed terrestrial planets.

Results. In addition to the well-known secular and resonant interactions between the giant planets and the outer part of the disc, giant planets on inclined orbits also strongly excite the planetesimals and embryos in the inner part of the disc through the combined action of nodal resonance and the Lidov–Kozai mechanism. This has deep consequences on the formation of terrestrial planets. While coplanar giant systems harbour several terrestrial planets, generally as massive as the Earth and mainly on low-eccentric and low-inclined orbits, terrestrial planets formed in systems with mutually inclined giant planets are usually fewer, less massive (<0.5 M?), and with higher eccentricities and inclinations. This work shows that terrestrial planets can form on stable inclined orbits through the classical accretion theory, even in coplanar giant planet systems emerging from the disc phase.

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Mars’ Growth Stunted by an Early Giant Planet Instability (Icarus, 2018)

Many dynamical aspects of the solar system can be explained by the outer planets experiencing a period of orbital instability sometimes called the Nice Model. Though often correlated with a perceived delayed spike in the lunar cratering record known as the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB), recent work suggests that this event may have occurred much earlier; perhaps during the epoch of terrestrial planet formation. While current simulations of terrestrial accretion can reproduce many observed qualities of the solar system, replicating the small mass of Mars requires modification to standard planet formation models. Here we use 800 dynamical simulations to show that an early instability in the outer solar system strongly influences terrestrial planet formation and regularly yields properly sized Mars analogs. Our most successful outcomes occur when the terrestrial planets evolve an additional 1–10 million years (Myr) following the dispersal of the gas disk, before the onset of the giant planet instability. In these simulations, accretion has begun in the Mars region before the instability, but the dynamical perturbation induced by the giant planets’ scattering removes large embryos from Mars’ vicinity. Large embryos are either ejected or scattered inward toward Earth and Venus (in some cases to deliver water), and Mars is left behind as a stranded embryo. An early giant planet instability can thus replicate both the inner and outer solar system in a single model.

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