On these pages we provide VPL resources to the astrobiology community, including databases of stellar, Earth, and molecular spectra; a search engine with which to query molecular data; and some of our photochemical and climate models.
Spectral Databases And Tools
The VPL Spectral Databases comprise a collection of line lists and absorption cross-sections for molecules of relevance to terrestrial planetary atmospheres and biosignatures; an assortment of stellar spectra for the wavelength range ~ 0.1 – 170 um; and model-generated, disk-integrated spectra of Earth for three 24-hour periods, and through an entire orbit. MORE >
For generating spectra, the VPL has two models available for use: a 1-D photochemical model, and a 1-D radiative-convective climate model. The photochemical model solves for chemical species/reactions, and calculates photolysis rates; while the climate model calculates fluxes and absorption. Both models include variations for high CO2 atmospheres, and high O2 atmospheres. Additionally, VPL has a solar flux model available for generating top-of-the-atmosphere flux for planets around G2 stars. It is applicable at any object, and from the zero-age main sequence until 8 Gyr. MORE >