Observable Consequences of Planet Formation Models in Systems with close-in Terrestrial Planets (MNRAS, 2008)

VPL Authors

Full Citation:
Raymond, S. N., Barnes, R., & Mandell, A. M. (2008). Observable consequences of planet formation models in systems with close-in terrestrial planets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 384(2), 663–674. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.12712.x

To date, two planetary systems have been discovered with close-in, terrestrial-mass planets forumla⁠. Many more such discoveries are anticipated in the coming years with radial velocity and transit searches. Here we investigate the different mechanisms that could form ‘hot Earths’ and their observable predictions. Models include: (1) in situ accretion; (2) formation at larger orbital distance followed by inward ‘type 1’ migration; (3) formation from material being ‘shepherded’ inward by a migrating gas giant planet; (4) formation from material being shepherded by moving secular resonances during dispersal of the protoplanetary disc; (5) tidal circularization of eccentric terrestrial planets with close-in perihelion distances and (6) photoevaporative mass-loss of a close-in giant planet. Models 1–4 have been validated in previous work. We show that tidal circularization can form hot Earths, but only for relatively massive planets forumla with very close-in perihelion distances (≲0.025 au), and even then the net inward movement in orbital distance is at most only 0.1–0.15 au. For planets of less than forumla⁠, photoevaporation can remove the planet's envelope and leave behind the solid core on a Gyr time-scale, but only for planets inside 0.025–0.05 au. Using two quantities that are observable by current and upcoming missions, we show that these models each produce unique signatures, and can be observationally distinguished. These observables are the planetary system architecture (detectable with radial velocities, transits and transit timing) and the bulk composition of transiting close-in terrestrial planets (measured by transits via the planet's radius).


VPL Research Tasks:
Task C: The Habitable Planet