The Nitrogen Budget of Earth (Earth-Science Reviews, 2015)

We comprehensively compile and review N content in geologic materials to calculate a new N budget for Earth. Using analyses of rocks and minerals in conjunction with N–Ar geochemistry demonstrates that the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) contains ~ 7 ± 4 times present atmospheric N (4 × 1018 kg N, or PAN), with 27 ± 16 × 1018 kg N. Comparison to chondritic composition, after subtracting N sequestered into the core, yields a consistent result, with BSE N between 17 ± 13 × 1018 kg to 31 ± 24 × 1018 kg N. Embedded in the chondritic comparison we calculate a N mass in Earth’s core (180 ± 110 to 30 ± 180 × 1018 kg) as well as present discussion of the Moon as a proxy for the early mantle.

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