A Carbonate-rich Lake Solution to the Phosphate Problem of the Origin of Life (PNAS, 2019)

Phosphate is central to the origin of life because it is a key component of nucleotides in genetic molecules, phospholipid cell membranes, and energy transfer molecules such as adenosine triphosphate. To incorporate phosphate into biomolecules, prebiotic experiments commonly use molar phosphate concentrations to overcome phosphate’s poor reactivity with organics in water. However, phosphate is generally limited to micromolar levels in the environment because it precipitates with calcium as low-solubility apatite minerals. This disparity between laboratory conditions and environmental constraints is an enigma known as “the phosphate problem.” Here we show that carbonate-rich lakes are a marked exception to phosphate-poor natural waters. In principle, modern carbonate-rich lakes could accumulate up to ?0.1 molal phosphate under steady-state conditions of evaporation and stream inflow because calcium is sequestered into carbonate minerals. This prevents the loss of dissolved phosphate to apatite precipitation. Even higher phosphate concentrations (>1 molal) can form during evaporation in the absence of inflows. On the prebiotic Earth, carbonate-rich lakes were likely abundant and phosphate-rich relative to the present day because of the lack of microbial phosphate sinks and enhanced chemical weathering of phosphate minerals under relatively CO2-rich atmospheres. Furthermore, the prevailing CO2 conditions would have buffered phosphate-rich brines to moderate pH (pH 6.5 to 9). The accumulation of phosphate and other prebiotic reagents at concentration and pH levels relevant to experimental prebiotic syntheses of key biomolecules is a compelling reason to consider carbonate-rich lakes as plausible settings for the origin of life.

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Alkaline Lake Settings for Concentrated Prebiotic Cyanide and the Origin of Life (Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019)

Cyanide plays a critical role in origin of life hypotheses that have received strong experimental support from cyanide-driven synthesis of amino acids, nucleotides, and lipid precursors. However, relatively high cyanide concentrations are needed. Such cyanide could have been supplied by reaction networks in which hydrogen cyanide in early Earth’s atmosphere reacted with iron to form ferrocyanide salts, followed by thermal decomposition of ferrocyanide salts to cyanide. Using an aqueous model supported by new experimental data, we show that sodium ferrocyanide salts precipitate in closed-basin, alkaline lakes over a wide range of plausible early Earth conditions. Such lakes were likely common on the early Earth because of chemical weathering of mafic or ultramafic rocks and evaporative concentration. Subsequent thermal decomposition of sedimentary sodium ferrocyanide yields sodium cyanide (NaCN), which dissolves in water to form NaCN-rich solutions. Thus, geochemical considerations newly identify a particular geological setting and NaCN feedstock nucleophile for prebiotic chemistry.

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