Mild Displacements of Boulders during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquakes (Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2020)

Strong seismic waves from the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquakes displaced rocks in proximity to the M 7.1 mainshock fault trace at several locations. In this report, we document large boulders that were displaced at the Wagon Wheel Staging Area (WWSA), approximately 4.5 km southeast of the southern terminus of the large M 6.4 foreshock rupture (hereafter “the large foreshock”) and 9 km southwest of the nearest approach of the M 7.1 mainshock surface rupture

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Evolution of the Earth: Plate Tectonics Through Time (Treatise on Geophysics, 2nd Edition, 2015)

The tectonic mechanisms of heat escape have evolved over time as the Earth’s interior cooled. The Earth condensed from rock vapor over liquid magma immediately following the Moon-forming impact, ~ 4.5 billion years ago. The liquid magma convected vigorously and cooled rapidly until solids formed in the deep mantle. Multiple layers of clouds made the atmosphere opaque, so heat escaped slowly. Tidal dissipation maintained a thin solid layer in the deep mantle over a few million years until the Moon moved far enough away that dissipation no longer balance the heat lost to space. Over a few more million years, the Earth cooled to mostly solid mush capped solid rock.

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Biological Effects on the Source of Geoneutrinos (International Journal of Modern Physics, 2013)

Detection of antineutrinos from U and Th series decay within the Earth (geoneutrinos) constrains the absolute abundance of these elements. Marine detectors will measure the ratio over the mantle beneath the site and provide spatial averaging. The measured mantle Th/U may well be significantly below its bulk earth value of ~4; Pb isotope measurements on mantle-derived rocks yield low Th/U values, effectively averaged over geological time. The physics of the modern biological process is complicated, but the net effect is that much of the U in the mantle comes from subducted marine sediments and subducted upper oceanic crust. That is, U subducts preferentially relative to Th. Oxygen ultimately from photosynthesis oxidizes U(IV) to U(VI), which is soluble during weathering and sediment transport.

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Seismically damaged regolith as self-organized fragile geological feature (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2011)

[1] The S‐wave velocity in the shallow subsurface within seismically active regions self‐organizes so that typical strong dynamic shear stresses marginally exceed the Coulomb elastic limit. The dynamic velocity from major strike‐slip faults yields simple dimensional relations. The near‐field velocity pulse is essentially a Love wave. The dynamic shear strain is the ratio of the measured particle velocity over the deep S‐wave velocity. The shallow dynamic shear stress is this quantity times the local shear modulus. The dynamic shear traction on fault parallel vertical planes is finite at the free surface. Coulomb failure occurs on favorably oriented fractures and internally in intact rock. I obtain the equilibrium shear modulus by starting a sequence of earthquakes with intact stiff rock extending all the way to the surface. The imposed dynamic shear strain in stiff rock causes Coulomb failure at shallow depths and leaves cracks in it wake. Cracked rock is more compliant than the original intact rock. Cracked rock is also weaker in friction, but shear modulus changes have a larger effect. Each subsequent event causes additional shallow cracking until the rock becomes compliant enough that it just reaches Coulomb failure over a shallow depth range of tens to hundreds of meters. Further events maintain the material at the shear modulus as a function where it just fails. The formalism provided in the paper yields reasonable representation of the S‐wave velocity in exhumed sediments near Cajon Pass and the San Fernando Valley of California. A general conclusion is that shallow rocks in seismically active areas just become nonlinear during typical shaking. This process causes transient changes in S‐wave velocity, but not strong nonlinear attenuation of seismic waves. Wave amplitudes significantly larger than typical ones would strongly attenuate and strongly damage the rock.

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Serpentinite and the dawn of life (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 2011)

Submarine hydrothermal vents above serpentinite produce chemical potential gradients of aqueous and ionic hydrogen, thus providing a very attractive venue for the origin of life. This environment was most favourable before Earth’s massive CO2 atmosphere was subducted into the mantle, which occurred tens to approximately 100 Myr after the moon-forming impact; thermophile to clement conditions persisted for several million years while atmospheric pCO2 dropped from approximately 25 bar to below 1 bar. The ocean was weakly acid (pH ∼ 6), and a large pH gradient existed for nascent life with pH 9–11 fluids venting from serpentinite on the seafloor. Total CO2 in water was significant so the vent environment was not carbon limited. Biologically important phosphate and Fe(II) were somewhat soluble during this period, which occurred well before the earliest record of preserved surface rocks approximately 3.8 billion years ago (Ga) when photosynthetic life teemed on the Earth and the oceanic pH was the modern value of approximately 8. Serpentinite existed by 3.9 Ga, but older rocks that might retain evidence of its presence have not been found. Earth’s sequesters extensive evidence of Archaean and younger subducted biological material, but has yet to be exploited for the Hadean record.

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Habitable Zone Limits for Dry Planets (Astrobiology, 2011)

Most discussion of habitable planets has focused on Earth-like planets with globally abundant liquid water. For an “aqua planet” like Earth, the surface freezes if far from its sun, and the water vapor greenhouse effect runs away if too close. Here we show that “land planets” (desert worlds with limited surface water) have wider habitable zones than aqua planets. For planets at the inner edge of the habitable zone, a land planet has two advantages over an aqua planet: (i) the tropics can emit longwave radiation at rates above the traditional runaway limit because the air is unsaturated and (ii) the dry air creates a dry stratosphere that limits hydrogen escape. At the outer limits of the habitable zone, the land planet better resists global freezing because there is less water for clouds, snow, and ice. Here we describe a series of numerical experiments using a simple three-dimensional global climate model for Earth-sized planets.

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Evolutionary ecology during the rise of dioxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere (Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: B, 2008)

Pre-photosynthetic niches were meagre with a productivity of much less than 10−4 of modern photosynthesis. Serpentinization, arc volcanism and ridge-axis volcanism reliably provided H2. Methanogens and acetogens reacted CO2 with H2 to obtain energy and make organic matter. These skills pre-adapted a bacterium for anoxygenic photosynthesis, probably starting with H2 in lieu of an oxygen ‘acceptor’. Use of ferrous iron and sulphide followed as abundant oxygen acceptors, allowing productivity to approach modern levels. The ‘photobacterium’ proliferated rooting much of the bacterial tree. Land photosynthetic microbes faced a dearth of oxygen acceptors and nutrients. A consortium of photosynthetic and soil bacteria aided weathering and access to ferrous iron. Biologically enhanced weathering led to the formation of shales and, ultimately, to granitic rocks. Already oxidized iron-poor sedimentary rocks and low-iron granites provided scant oxygen acceptors, as did freshwater in their drainages. Cyanobacteria evolved dioxygen production that relieved them of these vicissitudes. They did not immediately dominate the planet. Eventually, anoxygenic and oxygenic photosynthesis oxidized much of the Earth’s crust and supplied sulphate to the ocean. Anoxygenic photosynthesis remained important until there was enough O2 in downwelling seawater to quantitatively oxidize massive sulphides at mid-ocean ridge axes.

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Niches of the pre-photosynthetic biosphere and geologic preservation of Earth’s earliest ecology (Geobiology, 2007)

The tree of terrestrial life probably roots in non‐photosynthetic microbes. Chemoautotrophs were the first primary producers, and the globally dominant niches in terms of primary productivity were determined by availability of carbon dioxide and hydrogen for methanogenesis and sulfite reduction. Methanogen niches were most abundant where CO2‐rich ocean water flowed through serpentinite. Black smoker vents from basalt supplied comparable amount of H2. Hydrogen from arc volcanoes supported a significant methanogenic niche at the Earth’s surface. SO2 from arc volcanoes reacted with organic matter and hydrogen, providing a significant surface niche. Methane ascended to the upper atmosphere where photolysis produced C‐rich haze and CO, and H escaped into space. The CO and C‐rich haze supported secondary surface niches. None of these ecologies were bountiful; less than 1% of the CO2 vented by ridge axes, arcs, and metamorphism became organic matter before it was buried in carbonate. In contrast, a photosynthetic biosphere leaves copious amounts of organic carbon, locally concentrated in sediments. Black shales are a classic geologic biosignature for photosynthesis that can survive subduction and high‐grade metamorphism.

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