Common 0.1 bar tropopause in thick atmospheres determined by pressure-dependent infrared transparency (Nature Geoscience, 2013)

A minimum atmospheric temperature, or tropopause, occurs at a pressure of around 0.1 bar in the atmospheres of Earth1, Titan2, Jupiter3, Saturn4, Uranus and Neptune4, despite great differences in atmospheric composition, gravity, internal heat and sunlight. In all of these bodies, the tropopause separates a stratosphere with a temperature profile that is controlled by the absorption of short-wave solar radiation, from a region below characterized by convection, weather and clouds5,6. However, it is not obvious why the tropopause occurs at the specific pressure near 0.1 bar. Here we use a simple, physically based model7 to demonstrate that, at atmospheric pressures lower than 0.1 bar, transparency to thermal radiation allows short-wave heating to dominate, creating a stratosphere. At higher pressures, atmospheres become opaque to thermal radiation, causing temperatures to increase with depth and convection to ensue. A common dependence of infrared opacity on pressure, arising from the shared physics of molecular absorption, sets the 0.1 bar tropopause. We reason that a tropopause at a pressure of approximately 0.1 bar is characteristic of many thick atmospheres, including exoplanets and exomoons in our galaxy and beyond. Judicious use of this rule could help constrain the atmospheric structure, and thus the surface environments and habitability, of exoplanets.

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The rise of oxygen and the hydrogen hourglass (Chemical Geology, 2013)

Here we argue that the second condition was the oxidation of the surface and crust to the point where O2 became more stable than competing reduced gases such as CH4. The cause of Earth’s surface oxidation would be the same cause as it is for other planets with oxidized surfaces: hydrogen escape to space. The duration of the interregnum would have been determined by the rate of hydrogen escape and by the size of the reduced reservoir that needed to be oxidized before O2 became favored. We suggest that continental growth has been influenced by hydrogen escape, and we speculate that, if there must be an external bias to biological evolution, hydrogen escape can be that bias.

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Warming early Mars with CO2 and H2 (Nature Geoscience, 2013)

The presence of valleys on ancient terrains of Mars suggests that liquid water flowed on the martian surface 3.8 Gyr ago or before. The above-freezing temperatures required to explain valley formation could have been transient, in response to the frequent large meteorite impacts on early Mars, or they could have been caused by long-lived greenhouse warming. Climate models that consider only the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and water have been unable to recreate warm surface conditions, given the lower solar luminosity at that time. Here we use a one-dimensional climate model to demonstrate that an atmosphere containing 1.3–4 bar of CO2 and water, in addition to 5–20% H2, could have raised the mean surface temperature of early Mars above the freezing point of water. Vigorous volcanic outgassing from a highly reduced early martian mantle is expected to provide sufficient atmospheric H2 and CO2—the latter from the photochemical oxidation of outgassed CH4 and CO—to form a CO2 and H2 greenhouse. Such a dense early martian atmosphere is consistent with independent estimates of surface pressure based on cratering data.

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Characterizing the purple Earth: Modelling the globally-integrated spectral variability of the Archean Earth (The Astrophysical Journal, 2013)

The ongoing searches for exoplanetary systems have revealed a wealth of planets with diverse physical properties. Planets even smaller than the Earth have already been detected, and the efforts of future missions are placed on the discovery, and perhaps characterization, of small rocky exoplanets within the habitable zone of their stars. Clearly what we know about our planet will be our guideline for the characterization of such planets. But the Earth has been inhabited for at least 3.8 Ga, and its appearance has changed with time. Here, we have studied the Earth during the Archean eon, 3.0 Ga ago. At that time one of the more widespread life forms on the planet were purple bacteria. These bacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms and can inhabit both aquatic and terrestrial environments. Here, we used a radiative transfer model to simulate the visible and near-IR radiation reflected by our planet, taking into account several scenarios regarding the possible distribution of purple bacteria over continents and oceans. We find that purple bacteria have a reflectance spectrum which has a strong reflectivity increase, similar to the red edge of leafy plants, although shifted redwards. This feature produces a detectable signal in the disk-averaged spectra of our planet, depending on cloud amount and on purple bacteria concentration/distribution. We conclude that by using multi-color photometric observations, it is possible to distinguish between an Archean Earth in which purple bacteria inhabit vast extensions of the planet, and a present-day Earth with continents covered by deserts, vegetation or microbial mats.

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Three-dimensional radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of the highly irradiated short-period exoplanet HD 189733b (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2013)

We present a detailed three-dimensional radiative-hydrodynamical simulation of the well-known irradiated exoplanet HD 189733b. Our model solves the fully compressible Navier–Stokes equations coupled to wavelength-dependent radiative transfer throughout the entire planetary envelope. We provide detailed comparisons between the extensive observations of this system and predictions calculated directly from the numerical models.

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Biological Effects on the Source of Geoneutrinos (International Journal of Modern Physics, 2013)

Detection of antineutrinos from U and Th series decay within the Earth (geoneutrinos) constrains the absolute abundance of these elements. Marine detectors will measure the ratio over the mantle beneath the site and provide spatial averaging. The measured mantle Th/U may well be significantly below its bulk earth value of ~4; Pb isotope measurements on mantle-derived rocks yield low Th/U values, effectively averaged over geological time. The physics of the modern biological process is complicated, but the net effect is that much of the U in the mantle comes from subducted marine sediments and subducted upper oceanic crust. That is, U subducts preferentially relative to Th. Oxygen ultimately from photosynthesis oxidizes U(IV) to U(VI), which is soluble during weathering and sediment transport.

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The Great Oxidation Event Transition (Oxford, Elsevier, 2014)

The Great Oxidation Event (GOE) was an increase in atmospheric oxygen levels from less than 1 ppm to 0.2–2% by volume 2.4–2.2 billion years ago. In atmospheric chemistry, hydrogen-bearing reduced gases, such as methane and hydrogen, are adversaries of O2. When the concentration of hydrogen-bearing reduced gases goes up, O2 declines, and vice versa. Thus, the pre-GOE atmospheric redox chemistry should have been dominated by methane and hydrogen. Before the GOE, oxygen was driven to trace levels by reactions with volcanic and metamorphic reductants, including dissolved cations (e.g., Fe2 +) in surface waters and reducing gases (H2, CH4, CO, SO2, and H2S). Rapid escape of hydrogen to space from such an atmosphere would have slowly oxidized the Earth. A ‘tipping point’ was reached when the flux of O2 associated with the burial of organic carbon exceeded O2 losses. Oxidative weathering then became significant. Models suggest that methane level fell before the GOE and such loss of greenhouse gases plausibly caused global cooling. Multiple glaciations during 2.45–2.22 Ga hint that the climate and atmospheric composition oscillated until permanent oxygenation was established. Subsequent levels of O2 were sufficient to protect the Earth’s surface from harmful ultraviolet with a stratospheric ozone layer.

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Bimodal Distribution of Sulfuric Acid Aerosols in the Upper Haze of Venus (Icarus, 2013)

Observations by the SPICAV/SOIR instruments aboard Venus Express have revealed that the upper haze (UH) of Venus, between 70 and 90 km, is variable on the order of days and that it is populated by two particle modes. We use a one-dimensional microphysics and vertical transport model based on the Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres to evaluate whether interaction of upwelled cloud particles and sulfuric acid particles nucleated in situ on meteoric dust are able to generate the two observed modes, and whether their observed variability are due in part to the action of vertical transient winds at the cloud tops. Nucleation of photochemically produced sulfuric acid onto polysulfur condensation nuclei generates mode 1 cloud droplets, which then diffuse upwards into the UH. Droplets generated in the UH from nucleation of sulfuric acid onto meteoric dust coagulate with the upwelled cloud particles and therefore cannot reproduce the observed bimodal size distribution. By comparison, the mass transport enabled by transient winds at the cloud tops, possibly caused by sustained subsolar cloud top convection, are able to generate a bimodal size distribution in a time scale consistent with Venus Express observations.

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Making giant planet cores: convergent migration and growth of planetary embryos in non-isothermal discs (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013)

We study the evolution of multiple protoplanets of a few Earth masses embedded in a non-isothermal protoplanetary disc. The protoplanets are located in the vicinity of a convergence zone located at the transition between two different opacity regimes. Inside the convergence zone, Type I migration is directed outward and outside the zone migration is directed inward.

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Spin-driven tidal pumping: tidally driven changes in planetary spin coupled with secular interactions between planets (Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2013)

In a multiplanet system, tides acting on the inner planet can significantly affect the orbital evolution of the entire system. While tides usually damp eccentricities, a novel mechanism identified by Correia et al. (Astrophys J Lett 744, article id. L23, 2012) tends to raise eccentricities as a result of the tides’ effect on the inner planet’s rotation. Our analytical description of this spin-driven tidal (SDT) effect shows that, while the inner planet’s eccentricity undergoes pumping, the process is more completely described by an exchange of strength between the two eigenmodes of the dynamical system. Our analysis allows derivation of criteria for two-planet coplanar systems where the SDT effect can reverse tidal damping, and may preclude the effect’s being significant for realistic systems. For the specific case quantified by Correia et al., the effect is strong because of the large adopted tidal time lag, which may not be appropriate for the assumed Saturn-like inner planet. On the other hand, the effective

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Pathways for Neoarchean pyrite formation constrained by mass-independent sulfur isotopes (PNAS, 2013)

Here, we present a study of the four sulfur isotopes obtained using secondary ion MS that seeks to reconcile a number of features seen in the Neoarchean sulfur isotope record. We suggest that Neoarchean ocean basins had two coexisting, significantly sized sulfur pools and that the pathways forming pyrite precursors played an important role in establishing how the isotopic characteristics of each of these pools was transferred to the sedimentary rock record. One of these pools is suggested to be a soluble (sulfate) pool, and the other pool (atmospherically derived elemental sulfur) is suggested to be largely insoluble and unreactive until it reacts with hydrogen sulfide. We suggest that the relative contributions of these pools to the formation of pyrite depend on both the accumulation of the insoluble pool and the rate of sulfide production in the pyrite-forming environments. We also suggest that the existence of a significant nonsulfate pool of reactive sulfur has masked isotopic evidence for the widespread activity of sulfate reducers in the rock record.

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Solar System Moons as Analogs for Compact Exoplanetary Systems (The Astronomical Journal, 2013)

The field of exoplanetary science has experienced a recent surge of new systems that is largely due to the precision photometry provided by the Kepler mission. The latest discoveries have included compact planetary systems in which the orbits of the planets all lie relatively close to the host star, which presents interesting challenges in terms of formation and dynamical evolution. The compact exoplanetary systems are analogous to the moons orbiting the giant planets in our solar system, in terms of their relative sizes and semimajor axes. We present a study that quantifies the scaled sizes and separations of the solar system moons with respect to their hosts. We perform a similar study for a large sample of confirmed Kepler planets in multi-planet systems. We show that a comparison between the two samples leads to a similar correlation between their scaled sizes and separation distributions. The different gradients of the correlations may be indicative of differences in the formation and/or long-term dynamics of moon and planetary systems.

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Habitable Zone Lifetimes of Exoplanets around Main Sequence Stars (Astrobiology, 2013)

The potential habitability of newly discovered exoplanets is initially assessed by determining whether their orbits fall within the circumstellar habitable zone of their star. However, the habitable zone (HZ) is not static in time or space, and its boundaries migrate outward at a rate proportional to the increase in luminosity of a star undergoing stellar evolution, possibly including or excluding planets over the course of the star’s main sequence lifetime. We describe the time that a planet spends within the HZ as its “habitable zone lifetime.” The HZ lifetime of a planet has strong astrobiological implications and is especially important when considering the evolution of complex life, which is likely to require a longer residence time within the HZ. Here, we present results from a simple model built to investigate the evolution of the “classic” HZ over time, while also providing estimates for the evolution of stellar luminosity over time in order to develop a “hybrid” HZ model. These models return estimates for the HZ lifetimes of Earth and 7 confirmed HZ exoplanets and 27 unconfirmed Kepler candidates. The HZ lifetime for Earth ranges between 6.29 and 7.79×109 years (Gyr). The 7 exoplanets fall in a range between ∼1 and 54.72 Gyr, while the 27 Kepler candidate planets’ HZ lifetimes range between 0.43 and 18.8 Gyr. Our results show that exoplanet HD 85512b is no longer within the HZ, assuming it has an Earth analog atmosphere. The HZ lifetime should be considered in future models of planetary habitability as setting an upper limit on the lifetime of any potential exoplanetary biosphere, and also for identifying planets of high astrobiological potential for continued observational or modeling campaigns. Key Words: Exoplanet habitability metrics—Continuously habitable zone—Stellar evolution—Planetary habitability. Astrobiology 13, 833–849.

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A Systematic Retrieval Analysis of Secondary Eclipse Spectra. I. A Comparison of Atmospheric Retrieval Techniques (the Astrophysical Journal, 2013)

Exoplanet atmosphere spectroscopy enables us to improve our understanding of exoplanets just as remote sensing in our own solar system has increased our understanding of the solar system bodies. The challenge is to quantitatively determine the range of temperatures and molecular abundances allowed by the data, which is often difficult given the low information content of most exoplanet spectra that commonly leads to degeneracies in the interpretation. A variety of spectral retrieval approaches have been applied to exoplanet spectra, but no previous investigations have sought to compare these approaches. We compare three different retrieval methods: optimal estimation, differential evolution

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Selenium isotope analysis of organic-rich shales: advances in sample preparation and isobaric interference correction (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2013)

We present measurements of three different organic-rich shales of varying ages prepared with eight different sample preparation protocols and identify a method with which high selenium yields are obtained for all three samples while the concentration of germanium is greatly reduced. We further investigate the quantitative importance of isobaric interferences and present new post-analytical data correction protocols. If selenium concentrations in standards and samples are matched to within 5%, the ratios of five isotopes of selenium (74Se, 76Se, 77Se, 78Se and 82Se) can be measured with precisions better than 0.2‰ for δ76/78Se, δ77/78Se and δ82/78Se and 0.5‰ for δ74/78Se, allowing analytical accuracy to be monitored with three-isotope diagrams and thus enabling the detection of any mass-independent isotopic fractionation.

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The Effect of Host Star Spectral Energy Distribution and Ice-Albedo Feedback on the Climate of Extrasolar Planets (Astrobiology, 2013)

Planetary climate can be affected by the interaction of the host star spectral energy distribution with the wavelength-dependent reflectivity of ice and snow. In this study, we explored this effect with a one-dimensional (1-D), line-by-line, radiative transfer model to calculate broadband planetary albedos as input to a seasonally varying, 1-D energy balance climate model. A three-dimensional (3-D) general circulation model was also used to explore the atmosphere’s response to changes in incoming stellar radiation, or instellation, and surface albedo. Using this hierarchy of models, we simulated planets covered by ocean, land, and water-ice of varying grain size, with incident radiation from stars of different spectral types. Terrestrial planets orbiting stars with higher near-UV radiation exhibited a stronger ice-albedo feedback. We found that ice extent was much greater on a planet orbiting an F-dwarf star than on a planet orbiting a G-dwarf star at an equivalent flux distance, and that ice-covered conditions occurred on an F-dwarf planet with only a 2% reduction in instellation relative to the present instellation on Earth, assuming fixed CO2 (present atmospheric level on Earth).

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A dynamically-packed planetary system around GJ 667C with three super-Earths in its habitable zone (Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2013)

Doppler measurements of GJ 667C are described better by six (even seven) Keplerian-like signals: the two known candidates
(b and c); three additional few-Earth mass candidates with periods of 92, 62 and 39 days (d, e and f); a cold super-Earth in a 260-day
orbit (g) and tantalizing evidence of a ∼ 1 M⊕ object in a close-in orbit of 17 days (h). We explore whether long-term stable orbits are
compatible with the data by integrating 8×104
solutions derived from the Bayesian samplings. We assess their stability using secular
frequency analysis.

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Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy of the Exoplanets HD209458b and XO-1b Using the Wide Field Camera-3 on the Hubble Space Telescope (The Astrophysical Journal, 2013)

We here report WFC3 spectroscopy of the giant planets HD209458b and XO-1b in transit, using spatial scanning mode for maximum photon-collecting efficiency. We introduce an analysis technique that derives the exoplanetary transmission spectrum without the necessity of explicitly decorrelating instrumental effects, and achieves nearly photon-limited precision even at the high flux levels collected in spatial scan mode. Our errors are within 6-percent (XO-1) and 26-percent (HD209458b) of the photon-limit at a spectral resolving power of 70, and are better than 0.01-percent per spectral channel.

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Secular Behavior of Exoplanets: Self-consistency and Comparisons with the Planet-Planet Scattering Hypothesis (The Astrophysical Journal, 2013)

If mutual gravitational scattering among exoplanets occurs, then it may produce unique orbital properties. For example, two-planet systems that lie near the boundary between circulation and libration of their periapses could result if planet-planet scattering ejected a former third planet quickly, leaving one planet on an eccentric orbit and the other on a circular orbit. We first improve upon previous work that examined the apsidal behavior of known multiplanet systems by doubling the sample size and including observational uncertainties. This analysis recovers previous results that demonstrated that many systems lay on the apsidal boundary between libration and circulation. We then performed over 12,000 three-dimensional N-body simulations of hypothetical three-body systems that are unstable, but stabilize to two-body systems after an ejection. Using these synthetic two-planet systems, we test the planet-planet scattering hypothesis by comparing their apsidal behavior, over a range of viewing angles, to that of the observed systems and find that they are statistically consistent regardless of the multiplicity of the observed systems. Finally, we combine our results with previous studies to show that, from the sampled cases, the most likely planetary mass function prior to planet-planet scattering follows a power law with index -1.1. We find that this pre-scattering mass function predicts a mutual inclination frequency distribution that follows an exponential function with an index between -0.06 and -0.1.

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Low Simulated Radiation Limit for Runaway Greenhouse Climates (Nature Geoscience, 2013)

The atmospheres of terrestrial planets are expected to be in long-term radiation balance: an increase in the absorption of solar radiation warms the surface and troposphere, which leads to a matching increase in the emission of thermal radiation. Warming a wet planet such as Earth would make the atmosphere moist and optically thick such that only thermal radiation emitted from the upper troposphere can escape to space. Hence, for a hot moist atmosphere, there is an upper limit on the thermal emission that is unrelated to surface temperature. If the solar radiation absorbed exceeds this limit, the planet will heat uncontrollably and the entire ocean will evaporate—the so-called runaway greenhouse. Here we model the solar and thermal radiative transfer in incipient and complete runaway greenhouse atmospheres at line-by-line spectral resolution using a modern spectral database. We find a thermal radiation limit of 282 W m−2 (lower than previously reported) and that 294 W m−2 of solar radiation is absorbed (higher than previously reported). Therefore, a steam atmosphere induced by such a runaway greenhouse may be a stable state for a planet receiving a similar amount of solar radiation as Earth today. Avoiding a runaway greenhouse on Earth requires that the atmosphere is subsaturated with water, and that the albedo effect of clouds exceeds their greenhouse effect. A runaway greenhouse could in theory be triggered by increased greenhouse forcing, but anthropogenic emissions are probably insufficient.

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Nucleobases bind to and stabilize aggregates of a prebiotic amphiphile, providing a viable mechanism for the emergence of protocells (PNAS, 2013)

Primordial cells presumably combined RNAs, which functioned as catalysts and carriers of genetic information, with an encapsulating membrane of aggregated amphiphilic molecules. Major questions regarding this hypothesis include how the four bases and the sugar in RNA were selected from a mixture of prebiotic compounds and colocalized with such membranes, and how the membranes were stabilized against flocculation in salt water. To address these questions, we explored the possibility that aggregates of decanoic acid, a prebiotic amphiphile, interact with the bases and sugar found in RNA. We found that these bases, as well as some but not all related bases, bind to decanoic acid aggregates. Moreover, both the bases and ribose inhibit flocculation of decanoic acid by salt. The extent of inhibition by the bases correlates with the extent of their binding, and ribose inhibits to a greater extent than three similar sugars. Finally, the stabilizing effects of a base and ribose are additive. Thus, aggregates of a prebiotic amphiphile bind certain heterocyclic bases and sugars, including those found in RNA, and this binding stabilizes the aggregates against salt. These mutually reinforcing mechanisms might have driven the emergence of protocells.

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The short-lived production of exozodiacal dust in the aftermath of a dynamical instability in planetary systems (MNRAS, 2013)

Excess emission, associated with warm, dust belts, commonly known as exozodis, has been observed around a third of nearby stars. The high levels of dust required to explain the observations are not generally consistent with steady-state evolution. A common suggestion is that the dust results from the aftermath of a dynamical instability, an event akin to the Solar system’s Late Heavy Bombardment. In this work, we use a data base of N-body simulations to investigate the aftermath of dynamical instabilities between giant planets in systems with outer planetesimal belts. We find that, whilst there is a significant increase in the mass of material scattered into the inner regions of the planetary system following an instability, this is a short-lived effect. Using the maximum lifetime of this material, we determine that even if every star has a planetary system that goes unstable, there is a very low probability that we observe more than a maximum of 1 per cent of sun-like stars in the aftermath of an instability, and that the fraction of planetary systems currently in the aftermath of an instability is more likely to be limited to ≤0.06 per cent. This probability increases marginally for younger or higher mass stars. We conclude that the production of warm dust in the aftermath of dynamical instabilities is too short-lived to be the dominant source of the abundantly observed exozodiacal dust.

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Dynamical and collisional constraints on a stochastic late veneer on the terrestrial planets (Icarus, 2013)

Given their tendency to be incorporated into the core during differentiation, the highly-siderophile elements (HSEs) in Earth’s mantle are thought to have been accreted as a “late veneer” after the end of the giant impact phase. Bottke et al. (Bottke, W.F., Walker, R.J., Day, J.M.D., Nesvorny, D., Elkins-Tanton, L. [2010]. Science 330, 1527) proposed that the large Earth-to-Moon HSE abundance ratio can be explained if the late veneer was characterized by large (D = 1000–4000 km) impactors. Here we simulate the evolution of the terrestrial planets during a stochastic late veneer phase from the end of accretion until the start of the late heavy bombardment ∼500 Myr later. We show that a late veneer population of 0.05M⊕ dominated by large (D > 1000 km) bodies naturally delivers a ∼0.01M⊕ veneer to Earth, consistent with geochemical constraints.

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